Powder Skiing Gulmarg / Indian Administrated Kashmir

Mt. Gulmarg is a famous freeride skiing destination located in Indian administrated Kashmir close to the border with Pakistan, some 50 km south-west of the capital Srinagar. Skiing dates back to the colonial period where the Brits started skiing in 1927. The skiing resort is situated in the mountain range Pir Panjals which is one of the six Himalaya ranges and due to its location receives up to 10 m of snow per year.

Freeriding is exercised at Mt. Apharwat (4,124 Meter) which can be accessed by a two-section cable car starting at 2,650 meter and reaching at an altitude of 3980 meter. The remaining part one needs to walk on foot. There are no maintained pistes and the whole range is open for freeriding and powder skiing. This tour operator arranges travels to Gulmarg



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